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I take a personalized approach to every project, working closely with golf course owners, superintendents, and landscape architects. From initial consultation and site analysis to grass selection and implementation, I ensure a seamless transition to native grasses and Wildflowers with long-lasting benefits.



Founder and Owner, Seed King Enterprises LLC.

I’ve been working with golf courses and sportsfields since 1993 providing consulting services and product procurement. In 2019, I started Seed King Enterprises after working with two companies that I also provided consulting and sales for golf courses, sportsfields and retailers.

My current position is to provide them with consulting services on natives, wildflowers, specialty turf and turf reduction scenarios. I will work with the superintendent to help source/sell the products from numerous suppliers to best match the product to the scenario at the best pricing possible.

My extensive contacts in the industry will benefit any golf course superintendent/sportsfield manager looking to produce the best conditions possible for it’s clientele. I’ve worked with over 400 golf courses ( 14 in the Top 100 nationally), numerous golf architects, landscape designers, cities/municipalities and hydroseeders/sod farms.

I started studying Horticulture in Junior High School. I studied Ornamental Horticulture and competed in Future Farmers of America while in High School. Got first nursery job senior year of high school. Went to Humboldt State University majoring in Botany. Graduated in 1986.

Worked for Armstrong Garden Centers from 1986-1990 in the management training program. Worked for Color Spot America from 1990-1992 as a sales representative. Worked for The Home Depot from 1992 to 1993. Joined Stover Seed Company in February 1993 until July 2016 as a Regional Sales Manager and senior agronomist. Worked for S&S Seeds/ Pacific Coast Seed as Professional Products Manager from July 2016 until June 2019.

Formed Seed King Enterprises LLC July 2019 until the present. Member of Golf Course Superintendents Association of America since 1996. Member of all 6 California regional, Cactus and Pine and Southern Nevada GCSAA chapters. Serve as Southern California Affiliate Representative to the California GCSA Board of Directors since 2011.

Member of GCSAA Environmental Policy committee in 2018, Best Management Practices Resource Task Group for 2019 and 2020, Environmental Awards and Education Task Group for 2021,2022,2023 and assigned again for 2024. GCSAA Grassroots Ambassador since 2021. Have worked with over 400 golf courses throughout California, Arizona and Nevada. 14 are recognized in the Top 100 in the country.


Call or text (805)-231-4420 to select a native grass or wildflowers best suited for your golf course.